Trusted by great companies

The simplest way to automate your processes!

What you can do...

Digital Workflows

Design and automate processes without coding. Use our templates or create yours from scratch.

eSignature and Files

Manage documents faster. Transform your WORD and PDF files into digital forms and add eSignature or a File output.

Dynamic Forms

Create Dynamic Forms and transform them into documents if needed. Route work. Automate notifications & more.


Import and export data using Virtus Flow Data Mapper and Open APIs, pull data from other sources with a click.

Document Management

Superior control of documents: sales quotes, orders, POs, invoices all in one place. Track due dates, notify users & more.

Metrics and Reports

Get real-time insights. Know what is happening, how and when; all the time. Gain your business control back!

Easy, Fast & Powerful No-Code Process Automation

See how to automate your business processes

How it works...

Create digital workflows in minutes

Automate any process, requests and task without coding. Simply add fields and add the rules that apply.

Work with any format, type of document, table and pull data generated from other workflows and systems.

Virtus flow digital workflows
virtus flow workflow modeler

Add rules and conditions

Add conditional logic that apply to each step of the process. Add simple or complex rules to have more control over your processes.

Connect workflow & Add approval steps

Quickly connect workflow steps with drag and drop features. Connect to other workflows with a few clicks to automate processes across departments.

Automatically route work to teams, departments, or specific staff members. Approve with just one click. Automatically send notifications to their dashboard and via email.

Virtus Flow workflow automation
Virtus Flow automation features

Trigger tasks & events automatically

Automatically send documents, information, create calendar events, to-dos, reminders, start new workflows, assign work and more.

Integrate with great apps

  • Bulk API
  • High data volume
  • Custom Integrations

Low level integrations that save bandwidth, are scalable and provide better performance. Other integrations available soon!

Virtus Flow integrations

What our costumers are using Virtus Flow for...

Everything Forms

New employee requisition, internal requests, purchase requests & orders, W-4, I-9, PPP loan, etc.

HR Processes

Onboarding new employees, asset management, off boarding, training, hiring, relocation, expense reports, etc.

Loan Origination

Publish digital loan applications online and directly route them to the loan department for further action.

Vendor Management

From new vendor requests, to evaluation and selection, onboarding, due diligence, etc.

Customer Support

Customer requests claims, complaints, etc. Automatically route them according to nature of the request.


Service desk, change management, IT inventory, INFOSEC controls, permission requests, etc.


Supplier portal, purchase orders, contract management, etc.

Asset Management

Manage company assets by controlling who they are assigned to and keeping a secure record.


Case management, non performing loans, contract management, new customer requests.

Facility Management

Asset management, maintenance plan, service requests, building and maps.


First report of injuries, expense reports, business trips reports, vendors reports, etc.


Operational risk controls, project risk assessment, compliance controls.

Consult with our experts

»» What our customers are saying...

»» What you gain...

3X output without adding staff

Up to 70% time saved

Up to 80% of manual tasks reduction

Accurate real-time access to information

Process Digitalization

Simplified work, precision and traceability

Automate your business processes and simplify your everyday work today!